Is the reign of data, which is the breeding ground for economic and virtual warfare, capable of regulating and protecting the individual liberties of our citizens and the innovations of our national companies?
Faced with foreign interference, how can we deal with the cyber risks that threaten our digital sovereignty in France? What legal tools are available to us to fight against the predation of certain States?
At a time when France is going through an unprecedented health crisis, is there not also a pandemic of cyber risks that intend to destabilize a little more our connected societies of the 21st century?
For this meeting of digital cultures, we are pleased to welcome many experts in cyber security:
- France CHARRUYER: Partner at Altij Law Firm, Lecturer at Paris Dauphine University and Toulouse Business School, Delegate for innovation and digital technology at the Toulouse Bar Association;
- Nicolas ARPAGIAN: Vice-President in charge of Strategy, Public Affairs and CSR at Orange Cyberdefense. He teaches at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police and at the Ecole de Guerre Economique. Nicolas is administrator of the cybermalveillance.gouv.fr platform and author of a dozen books including "La Cybersécurité" published by ‘Presses Universitaires’ de France (PUF);
- Stéphane AYACHE: Cyber Security Manager at Cyberint, with 23 years of experience within the Steria group in charge of group open innovation;
- Marc SZTULMAN: Doctor of Law